The Hot Beauty Trend You Should Try in 2020 — Based on Your Zodiac Sign


The Hot Beauty Trend You Should Try in 2020 — Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Popsugar - January 2020

Popsugar - January 2020

From mismatched eyeshadow and colour-shifting nail polish to graphic eyeliner and sheer lips, 2020 is the year for exploration! Now, it can be an overwhelming task navigating which trends to try for yourself. Fortunately, the stars have aligned because we're here to break down which beauty craze you should incorporate into your routine based on your zodiac sign. Read on for your personalized trend recommendation, plus products to help you get the job done.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21): Sustainable Skin care

For the responsible Taurus, the sustainable skincare trend is a no-brainer. And while the use of unique ingredients in skincare products isn't anything new, the sustainability of said ingredients is taking over in 2020. Cue Bloomeffects, a skincare line that packages its products in recycled materials and sources its ingredients ethically with your skin and the environment in mind. Its Royal Tulip Nectar ($65) is a clean, decadent ointment-to-serum formula, and the included spatula is an addition that a luxury-loving Taurus will enjoy applying.